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From Click to Cart:
The Art of Ecommerce Content

By  Khatuna  Mukhashavria,
E-commerce Manager, DOORS NYC

11 October, 2024

In ecommerce, content that captures attention and drives conversions is essential. Customers today expect fast, relevant information - and won’t stick around for anything less.

To help you create an optimized shopping experience that turns browsers into buyers, here are five key strategies for elevating your content - from product descriptions to visuals.

Keep It Concise: “Don’t Bore Us - Get to the Chorus”

When writing product descriptions, simplicity is key. Shoppers want clear, direct information they can process quickly. Use short, scannable sentences, ideally 1-4 per product.

Avoid fluff and exaggerations, and focus on the most important details - what it is, how it works, and why it’s worth their time.

The goal is to provide essential information without overwhelming your audience, helping them make decisions faster.

High-Quality Visuals: Images AND Video

Great visuals can be a game-changer. High-quality product and model images help customers envision the item in real life, which boosts confidence in their decision.

In fact, adding video can further enhance this effect, increasing conversions by 64-85%. Showcasing your product in action provides a deeper understanding, helping seal the deal.

Create Scarcity and Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is one of the most effective ways to encourage purchases. Features like countdown timers, limited-time offers, or low-stock alerts can increase sales by up to 332%.

When customers feel they might miss out on a product, they’re more likely to make quicker purchase decisions. This subtle pressure can significantly impact their willingness to buy now rather than later.

Build Trust - Trust > Content

While content informs, trust is what seals the deal. Customers need confidence in your brand before they buy.

- Highlight trusted partnerships and certifications.

- Clearly communicate refund and return policies.

- Leverage social proof - testimonials, influencer endorsements, and reviews to establish credibility.

Mobile-Friendly = Success in 2024 and Beyond

As more shoppers use their phones to browse and purchase, having a mobile-friendly site is no longer optional - it’s a necessity.

Ensure your site’s design is responsive so it adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes. Optimizing images for fast loading on mobile is critical for keeping users engaged.

Additionally, make sure your call-to-action (CTA) buttons are easy to tap on smaller screens, ensuring a smooth mobile shopping experience.