How did you become interested in fashion design?
My mom had an atelier where she made clothes on demand, and I was often there after school, watching her work and admiring what she did. The process of making clothes from scratch inspired me to enroll in an art school and start exploring fashion more deeply.
What's your favorite thing about being a fashion designer?
What I really like about fashion and being a fashion designer is that I can create apparel that reflects the complexity of one's mood and character. It is hard to explain, but when I draw clothes, I imagine the person wearing them. What does he or she feel like? This process gives me a special sense of power in creating a material expression of human nature.
What's your design philosophy?
As a natural outcome of the previous statement, my philosophy in design is to make clothes a part of a person's personality. I aim to attribute them to feelings, emotions, and sensations. When you wear YASPIS, you feel comfortable within because you are wearing something very similar in texture, color, and shape to what you feel inside.
What's the most challenging aspect of being a fashion designer
Believe me, the most challenging aspect is dealing with the technical part. I will not share the details, but it requires a strong nervous system and a lot of mindfulness.
How do you choose colors for your designs?
The signature prints I create for YASPIS are always inspired by the natural patterns of elements. There is always something that recalls the wildness and uniqueness of natural materials.