What is a cause that is important to you?
Women and poverty. For me, in many cultures, women are not celebrated as much as they should be, and they are not given the power they deserve. Helping women claim their power is important for me. My father was born in poverty, I am grateful for not being in that position, however the lessons he taught me always brought me close to anyone who was less fortunate than me. Financial success is wonderful, but the fulfillment I get when I help is priceless.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
And it’s a compliment I gave to my self when I was 16 years old. I knew I could accomplish whatever is in my mind if I put the necessary effort.
When are you the most inspired?
When I walk in the streets of a city and discover new things. I am curious by nature and feel the most alive when something is new, sometimes it could be as simple as seeing a new piece of art.
What makes you smile the most?
My daughter and her great sense of humor.
What is one thing people do not know about you?
I am a nerd.
Window or aisle seat?
Aisle seat always! I need to feel I am in control of something (at least my movement on the Aisle)