What are your failsafe styling tips?
Black always looks chic and sophisticated, yet never boring.
How to make it in fashion?
By making mistakes; a lot of mistakes. You really have to love what you do and always stay true to your vision. Hard work is essential in order to make it in this industry.
Heels or flats?
Sneakers for day. Heels for evenings.
What is the best fashion advice you have received?
My mother grew up in the Soviet Union, where it was hard to shop any Western fashion. However, there were always ways of buying fashion magazines with the most amazing designs and the latest photo shoots. I remember my mother's bookshelf filled with these magazines, and she used to stay up all night cutting out patterns and designing outfits. She was able to turn boring, dull fabrics into beautiful, chic dresses. I do not remember any specific advice that my mother gave me, but she definitely taught me that miracles can happen when you combine hard work with creativity.
What is your current Netflix character obsession?
Fran Lebowitz in Martin Scorsese’s “Pretend It’s a City”, a seven-part Netflix documentary. Infamously cellphone-free and laptop-less, Lebowitz is witty, sarcastic and and sooo real.