How did your passion for the fashion accessories begin?
I came from a family of artisans. Since I have memory, I’ve been surrounded by artifacts made by any of my family members, from clothes to furniture, so, following my family lineage, I chose something to create, i´ve been passionate about accessories all my life, so I just followed my passion creating what I enjoy the most.
How did you find your inspiration in geometry?
Geometry for me is synonymous of perfection, I found in every single form thousands of ideas, and I thought, how can I bring geometry part of a real life, something that you could use daily, and I started playing with patterns, scissors and rulers in order to create a geometry accessory.
Describe yourself in a hashtag
What is your spirit animal?
Definitely my spirit animal is a tiger, I consider myself very powerful and realistic. Part of my personality is being determined and trustworthy, I feel a strong link with this animal, I´ve got even a tattoo of a tiger in my arm which reminds me to be strong.
Heels or Flats?
Absolutely flats, I always prefer comfort, better than looking elegant in heels and feeling discomfort.
What is the biggest learning experience you have had?
Living in London was the biggest learning experience of my career, as a result of this experience I realized that my dream job was work as a fashion designer, it definitely changed my life because I was in another path career.