What’s your design philosophy?
The designs should be both meaningful and beautiful, striking yet practical, wearable, and timeless across seasons. I find pleasure in crafting jewelry pieces that are multi-functional, featuring various sizes within a single piece to streamline choices while offering versatility.
How important is collaboration in the business of design?
So important! We can’t do this alone. It opens our horizons, brings new opportunities, and makes what we do that much more rewarding when we can connect with others who complement our gifts, specialties, and what we have to offer.
What’s your favorite type of collaboration?
My favorite type of collaboration is one with meaning; when you can draw awareness to an important cause. We recently collaborated with an animal shelter in Costa Rica, and we have a new collaboration with a women’s co-op in India for certain pieces to come in our collection.
How do you stay inspired?
Meditation, spiritual practices, nature, and staying clear headed are how I stay inspired. The visions and thoughts of what I want to design or offer next come to me like downloads.
How do you handle criticism of your designs?
Criticism can be a useful tool to help you improve. I tend to be my own harshest critic, so any criticism I do get tends to be a confirmation of something I was probably already thinking!!