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Meet the designer

Katherine Chuang, VIA SAVIENE

VIA SAVIENE by Katherine Chuang

Via Saviene creates essential and versatile jewelry designed to be the modern woman's 'everyday staples.' Our elevated and foundational collections are created with intention, designed to accompany every woman from season to season, complementing her multidimensional styling expressions.

Wei Lin of PH5

"How you style your jewelry is an extension of you, your mood, your thoughts, your whole persona. It may be the smallest part, but sometimes the smallest parts are the most expressive." 


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Tell us about your passion for jewelry, how and when it started?
Passion for jewelry evolved from a love of fashion and self expression. People tend to think of jewelry as an accessory, an extra add on feature, but styling is a holistic endeavor and jewelry is very much a part of that. How you style your jewelry is an extension of you, your mood, your thoughts, your whole persona. It may be the smallest part, but sometimes the smallest parts are the most expressive.

Please describe a modern woman in three words?
Balanced, confident, independent.

What do you find most inspiring in a modern woman, what makes her your muse?
Women are naturally multi-faceted, always on the go, always juggling several things at once. Our ability to balance is our strongest quality but often goes unmentioned because we make it look easy. Via Saviene was inspired by concepts of balance, flow and versatility because modern women are all of these attributes in one.

Vintage or new?
Both as long as there’s quality to it. What I love about vintage pieces is that you can feel the richness in the materials, you can see the delicate care that someone put into creating that piece. Design has come a long way, constantly evolving and pushing boundaries in amazing ways, but sometimes it loses that feel for quality. Finding pieces that are beautiful in both design and craft is a true gem and makes shopping so much more rewarding.

What is the biggest learning experience you have had?
I studied design professionally, but I learned quite a lot just by working in luxury retail. Having conversations directly with shoppers, really getting to understand what they’re looking for and what they value most in pieces gave a fresh perspective to how I approach design.