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South Korean streetwear brand SHALAJ was founded by designer Shalaj Poonyarit, who views clothes as wearable modern art with a strong sense of self-expression. By incorporating symbolic motifs and surrealist graphics, the label adds an extra layer of depth and meaning which can be unpacked by the wearer. You’ll be sure to make a statement in SHALAJ’s playful prints, which subvert everyday objects and animal cartoon characters into malevolent creatures for a dark undertone. Expect sporty jerseys, such as hoodies and T-shirts, some of which are rendered in premium Supima cotton for an exceptionally soft handle.

"SHALAJ is dark, mysterious, meaningful and valuable."

Shalaj Poonyarit

What do you love about being a fashion designer?
I can let my imagination out into reality. 

Where do you look for creative inspiration?
When I closemy eyes, when I'm all alone by myself and everything is silent.

How would you describe SHALAJ’s aesthetics?
SHALAJ is dark, mysterious, meaningful and valuable.

What is your dream country to visit?
North Korea.

What makes you smile the most?
People wearing SHALAJ.